Disclaimer: In Real Life is a platform for everyday people to share their experiences and voices. All articles are personal stories and do not necessarily echo In Real Life’s sentiments.
I’m going through a difficult time right now because I’m doing my own business and I’m kinda at rock bottom.
I have a good job as a dentist, and when I started my new clinic in Bangi, MCO hit and that was quite hard. To be honest, before Covid hit, we were smooth sailing when we first started for almost a year. But with dentistry, you need more than a year to really make it.
The first year of the pandemic was surprisingly fine but it just got worse from there. Now that we’re in the third year of the pandemic, we thought it would be better but it just keeps getting worse.It’s really making me question myself a lot, maybe I shouldn’t have quit my old job working for the government…
It Is Overwhelming
I know people say that any job in the medical line is good but everything has its competition. So, it has been really overwhelming.
Of course, I’m not alone and we have groups. There are like two gaps in businesses during the MCO. They’re either doing really really well or they’ll just fail, crash.
I’m telling myself to keep holding on. I can do it. It’s so hard but I just tell myself that I can do it.
I’m only 24 years old. I’ve worked for 5 years under the government. Most dentists start young so it’s not that surprising.Honestly, it was a really bold move for me to open up my own clinic. Especially when I don’t really have the experience and all.
How I Feel About The Person In The Mirror…
There was a lot going through my mind while I looked at myself in the mirror.
I really feel like I hate myself. I feel like I’m a failure.
But, I just need to reassure myself that I can get through this. Life has its ups and downs so this is just one of my downs. This is not the first rough thing I’ve overcome and this will just be one of them.
I just need to believe in myself.“But if I could talk to my younger self, I wouldn’t tell her not to do it.”
I don’t want to be the kind of person who lives in regrets. This is a lot. This is like hell to me. But, this is what will make me into the person I am today. I wouldn’t tell my younger self to not do what I did.
Maybe, I’d just tell her whatever you do, you need to think a lot more (laughs).
The was part of a Mirror Work Experiment organized by Reconnect & Recharge, a wellness and self-care hub that empowers people to lead healthy wholesome and meaningful lives. Head over to this link to find out more about their work.
Do you know anyone with an interesting story to share? Drop us an email at hello@inreallife.my and we may feature the story.
For more stories like this, read:
“I Was 32yo And Quit My (Shitty) Banking Job Without Any Backup Plan”
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