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I grew up in a typical Malaysian family. Whenever someone fell sick, we’d go to the clinic around the corner – which I’m sure a lot of us do.
There, we’d wait our turn and once called, the doctor does his typical check.
Stethoscope for your heartbeat, stick for the throat and tonsils, thermometer for body temperature.
Then, these small clinic doctors would typically tell you what you already know.
“Oh you have the flu/cough/fever.”
And end it with, “I’ll prescribe you some antibiotics.”
Abuse of antibiotics among Malaysians
Unfortunately, till date, small clinic doctors still simply prescribe you with antibiotics.
In fact, over 61% of antibiotics are issued by general practitioners, while the other 26% from government clinics.
And since everyday citizens don’t know any better, they’d just assume antibiotics = cure to diseases, no matter how small it may be.
But it’s not.
It was so bad that in 2016, our government even launched a National Antibiotics Awareness Week in hopes to educate Malaysians that uncontrolled usage of antibiotics is actually BAD for your health.
The dangers many Malaysians don’t realise
Image via National Cancer Institute
I learnt this the hard way when I had to go into the hospital for a bacterial infection. After surgery, doctors told my parents that my body is immune to the usual 2 types of antibiotics.
So, I had no choice but to go for the strongest one.
I was prescribed 10 pills for a whopping RM2,000. Each pill cost RM200!!
Besides the monetary issue, overuse of antibiotics causes:
- Destruction of good bacteria in your body that affects your immune system
- Changes in your gut flora, making you fall sick easily
- Evolve bacteria so much that they are now resistant to any antibiotics available
Worst case scenario? Your body is so immune to all antibiotics that you aren’t able to kill it off.
Result of a bacteria resistant to all antibiotics | Source
The stupidity of it all
What’s worse, antibiotics are supposed to treat bacterial infection.
Cough, sore throat, and flu are all VIRAL infections.
Image via Churchviewmedicalpractice
This means, doctors who prescribe them are infuriatingly HIGHLY irresponsible.
Sadly, antibiotic resistance increased around the world, with America calling it “one of the world’s most pressing public health problems.”
What should you do?
- The next time you have the common cold, cough and such, you’re better off resting at home until your own immune system fights it off.
- Be educated that only antibiotics treat bacterial infections, not viral.
- For more serious illnesses, make sure to always finish your antibiotics as prescribed by the doctor.
Share this post and this piece of information to all your loved ones to make sure they’re educated about it.
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