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In Malaysia, the issue of whether Muslims can touch dogs is controversial. But even among Muslims, there are some who decided to own dogs, and here are their reasons why.
Danial: “I’ve had Moo Moo since she was a puppy.”
It’s never easy having a big dog, but upon looking at the picture Danial showed us, we understood why his Great Dane Moo Moo was given that name.
“Moo Moo is a gentle giant and quite mellow. She’s amazing with kids, especially when she hangs out with my niece.”
This is Moo Moo. Image via Danial.
His family decided to keep Moo Moo after she was given to them by a friend.
“Despite her large size, Moo Moo was not a good guard dog at all. She was too sweet! She even nursed my cat when she was still a kitten.”
According to Danial, dogs make for amazing running partners. Since he enjoys light jogs and walks, he would bring her along with him on a leash.
He gave some advice for people who are afraid of dogs:
Danial and Moo Moo in his house compound. Image via Danial.
“I think it’s important to read their body language. I would never touch or pet a dog unless I get permission from the owner.”
“As long as you don’t taunt them and keep your distance when you see one that’s baring its teeth to you, then you should be fine.”
“If you were to teach your child with the right mentality, dogs can be your friends and not something that you have to avoid.”
Danial asserts that dogs are intelligent creatures that would go above and beyond for you if you treat them well.
“There are no bad dogs, only bad owners,” he says.
Farah got two dogs after her house was robbed.
A Belgian Shepherd puppy and a Rottweiler puppy. Images via Unsplash.
After having 6 cats, most people would choose not to have any more animals. However, after robbers broke into her home, Farah (anonymised) decided to bring in two dogs for protection.
She has two dogs named Nom-nom and Pipi. Nom-nom is a 2-year-old female Belgian Shepherd-Golden Retriever mix, while Pipi is a 4-year-old male Rottweiler.
“Nom-nom is very hyperactive and sweet. She likes everyone but because of her size, people would be afraid of her. She’s so playful that she loves jumping on people. So if you’re not familiar with her, you would think that she’s going to attack you.”
Farah can understand Nom-nom’s body language: Her barks would sound different when she wants to play and when she’s feeling aggressive.
“Pipi is more stable. He knows how to guard the house and understand people’s gestures. He is very protective of us too.”
Farah thinks of her dogs as a part of her family.
This is Pipi. Image via Farah.
She feels secure having dogs since they make great companions when she is home alone. They would alert her with their barks when a stranger approaches her house.
“I love that my dogs are amazing at scaring away unwanted people.”
When Nom-nom and Pipi were small, she would walk them, but now she doesn’t anymore so as not to alarm her neighbours.
Since most of her neighbours are Muslims, she does not want to make them feel insecure with Pipi and Nom-nom being out and about.
Instead, they would roam around the premise of the house because it’s big enough for both of them.
Are dogs Haram?
Traditionally, dogs are not considered haram. However, touching their fur when it is wet is considered najis (ritually unclean).
Contact with things that are considered najis brings a Muslim into a state of ritual impurity. Ritual purification (Sertu or samak) is then required before religious duties can be performed.
However, while the conservatives chose to avoid dogs completely, moderates believe it’s okay to touch dogs. They would avoid their nose or mouth as those are considered impure.
Farah explained that she has a special samak or sertu soap called taharah that she uses after touching Pipi and Nom-nom.
“When I run out of soap, I’ll just use the traditional way, which is by using sand.”
There’s still a long way to go when it comes to the acceptance of dogs.
Farah thinks the best way to change the Malaysian perception towards dogs is through a sharing session, where Muslims can share info on how to treat dogs according to Islamic teachings.
“If I were given a platform, I would definitely tell those people who are against dogs that in Islam, we are told to be compassionate towards living beings from all walks of life including animals.”
“The guidelines are all there in the Al-Quran and Hadith. We just have to read and understand it.”
“I think people are against dogs because of the cultural, environmental and religious influence. If we were to educate them since they are young, then I think people would be more open-minded about this issue,” Farah concluded.
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